U41117-J-Z125-7-76 453
Explanation of console messages Message lines
SXFC030 FC5: RSCN for port 00637713 received
RSCN means “Registered State Change Notification”. This is a “service” of the FC
switch which every FC port can request from the switch. As the “central unit” the
switch at all times has a general overview of all active FC ports in the fabric. The FC
port which utilizes the RSCN service is now notified of each change in the fabric
(e.g. addition or removal of an FC port) in the form of an “RSCN”.
The FC port in the fabric with the address00637713, which also includes FC5 of the ISP
A02-ICPB, has either been added or removed.
SXFC031 FC<num>: invalid FW version for TARGET MODE, current: <4-digit hexnum> \
required: <4-digit hexnum>
This message can only appear after a new installation or an update: The current FW on the
SAN controller does not permit operation.
Notify maintenance staff.
SXFC044 stgt2.06: received NACK
The Emulex firmware returns a negative acknowledgment to the FC driver. This not-
acknowledge (NACK) can have various causes. A more precise diagnosis of the cause may
be possible if the error messages SXFC005/SXFC026 are also taken into account (see
SXFC045 stgt<number>.XX: received ABORT, HOST <host>
An I/O has been aborted in SCSI target mode on the FC controller with the controller
number <number>.
There are two types of FC controller (configured in vtls.conf):
internal controllers
external controllers
The internal controllers permit communication between the ISPs themselves and between
the ISPs and the RAID systems. The external controllers, on the other hand, are used for
connecting to SAN hosts (open system hosts).