632 U41117-J-Z125-7-76
flashing display
activation on the module 399
free pool 63
fscCentricStor 555
Fujitsu Library 571
Fujitsu robot 50
function bar
file viewer 360
Global Status 239
GXCC 143
XTCC 330
archive systems (SCSI) 419
ISP 135
German 150
German Help
Options XTCC 337
Get Remote / Expand Local File
GXCC 154
XTCC 342
get_log protocol 305, 310
Global History Viewer 257
Global Status 237
Balloon Help Summary 242
button bar 246
cartridge drives 254
Config 241
Display 247
emulations 251
File 239
function bar 239
Performance 249
Physical Components 254
physical volume group(s) 255
tape volume cache 252
Virtual Components 251
virtual drives 251
VLM 252
VLS 252
Global Status Monitor 257
Global System State 549
global system state 121
graphic adapters 234
group display 356
abbreviations 356
color key 358
XTCC 356
administration 193
Autoscan 152
button bar 123
console messages 124
extended information 133
File 145
footer 121
function bar, overview 143
Get Remote / Expand Local File 154
hardware requirements 92
Help 232
main window 119
operating modes 90
Option Settings 150
Options 150
overview 84
overview screen 83
passwords 98
principles of operation 84
Print 146
profile 191
Show Current Aspect 151
Show Remote File 156
start 95
start parameters 96
starting from X server 102
starting the console 102
status information 133
system information 123
title bar 121
Tools 154
GXCC elements
information 133
gzip 572