The Show and Sort Menu
The screen below shows the Show and Sort menu and the definition list following explains each of the options. The first half of the menu contains options for displaying your content. The second half lists options for sorting the titles. Your current selections are indicated by a triangle to the left of the menu items. In this instance, the user has opted to see only their books as indicated by the triangle in the menu and the label in the footer of the page.
Show All — shows all of the content you have stored on your Kindle and SD memory card if inserted.
Show Books Only — shows only the books and audiobooks you have stored on your Kindle and SD memory card if inserted.
Show Periodicals Only — shows only the periodicals you have stored on your Kindle and SD memory card if inserted.
Most Recent First — sorts your content by the most recently added (new) or recently opened items first.
Sort by Title — sorts your content alphabetically by title of the item.
Tip: If you sort your Home screen by title or author, you can type a letter to jump to the first item that begins with that letter or a number to jump to a particular page of your Home listing.