Settings and Experimental
The Settings page is a centralized location which lets you personalize items on Kindle such as the name of your Kindle, automatic backup, personal information, etc., as well as gives you informational items such as storage space available or the software version of your Kindle. The Experimental page contains a number of prototype solutions we are working on.
7.1 Adjusting Your Kindle Settings
The Settings page is shown below and the features are explained in the list that follows.
Account Name — this is the Amazon.com account name to which your Kindle is registered. All Kindle Store and other charges will be applied to the credit card associated with this account.
Device Name — you can change the name of your device to anything you want. This name shows at the top of the Home screen.
Personal Info — enter any personal or contact information here such as an address or phone number in case you lose your Kindle.
Primary Dictionary — change the dictionary you are using for the