Lookup — searches the primary dictionary and displays definitions of the significant words in the selected line.
Add/Delete Highlight — adds or deletes a highlight to the text. The menu text will change depending on whether or not a highlight already exists.
Add/Delete/Edit Note — adds, deletes, or allows you to edit a note to the content at the line you selected. The menu text will change depending on whether or not a note already exists.
The Lookup Feature
To see the definition of a particular word in your reading content, follow these steps:
1.Move the cursor to the line of text that contains the word you want to look up.
2.Press the select wheel.
3.Select "Lookup" from the menu that appears.
4.Move the cursor to the particular definition extract you are interested in and press the select wheel to see the complete definition.
5.When you are done, select "Close" or the Back button to return to your reading.
Tip: If you want to expand your search beyond the content you own, you can use the Search feature to look for the word on Wikipedia or the Web. See Chapter 4 for more information.