Browse the Kindle Store — displays the currently available content by type in the Kindle Store.
Kindle Top Sellers — displays a list of Kindle bestselling titles.
New & Noteworthy Books — displays a list of new or noteworthy books on the Kindle Store.
National Best Sellers List — displays a list of current best sellers in the Kindle Store from the New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal.
Kindle Daily Post — displays a daily blog from Amazon on content related topics.
Recommended for You — displays items recommended for you by Amazon based on your previous digital and physical purchases.
Search Store - enter your search criteria here and Amazon will search the entire Kindle Store for matches and return the search results.
Once you are in the Kindle Store, you can move around using links on the pages of the store such as Reviews or Top Sellers, by using the Store menu, or by searching the Kindle Store for specific titles.
The Store Menu
The menu you see while you are connected to the Kindle Store allows you to go to other places in the store easily and includes the selections listed below.