EXHAUST HIGH-LIMIT FAULT – This routine monitors the basket (tumbler) safety over temperature switch. If the switch opens, the dryer will display “Exhaust High-Limit Fault” and will go into Fault Mode with a brief audio indication. If the basket (tumbler) temperature is above 100° F (38° C) the dryer will continue to display “Exhaust High-Limit Fault”, while the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) cools by running with no heat for 3 minutes or until the temperature drops below 100° F (38° C). Once the basket (tumbler) temperature is below 100° F (38° C), or the 3 minutes expire, the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) will shut off ALL outputs and will remain in Fault Mode until the dryer is addressed.
EXHAUST PROBE FAULT/AXIAL PROBE FAULT – This routine indicates a problem with the temperature sensor circuit. This error will trigger an “Exhaust Probe Fault or Axial Probe Fault” condition and will go into a Fault Mode with a brief audio indication. The dryer will run with no heat for 3 minutes. Once the 3 minutes expire, the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) will shut off ALL outputs and will remain in Fault Mode until the dryer is addressed.
EXHAUST HIGH TEMP FAULT – This error routine indicates a problem with overheating. This error will initiate an “Exhaust High Temp Fault” condition and will go into Fault Mode with a brief audio indication. The Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) determines this error by monitoring the temperature sensor input to have a steady gradual increase in temperature to a known upper limit (the limit typically is 20° over the maximum allowed programmable set point). The dryer will run with no heat for 3 minutes or until the temperature drops below 100° F (38° C). Once the basket (tumbler) temperature is below 100° F (38° C), or 3 minutes expire, the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) will shut off ALL outputs and remain in Fault Mode until the dryer is addressed.
LINT ACCESS OPEN – Indicates the lint drawer is open and needs to be closed.
LOW VOLTAGE FAULT – Indicates power has dropped below the operating values and will shutdown.
MAIN DOOR OPENED – Indicates the main door is open when it should be closed.
MODEL ERROR, ENTER CORRECT MODEL – This routine monitors the inputs, such as the sail switch and gas valve. Steam dryers DO NOT use a sail switch or valve input, and an electric dryer will not use a gas valve input. These signals allow the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) to interpret what type of dryer it is controlling. The Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) determines what the expected dryer responses should be for that specific heat type dryer. Anytime a model fault is detected, the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) will interrupt the cycle and will display “MODEL ERROR, ENTER CORRECT MODEL–” and go into Fault Mode with a brief audio indication. If the basket (tumbler) temperature is above 100° F (38° C) at the time of the failure, the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) will continue to display “MODEL ERROR, ENTER CORRECT MODEL–” while the dryer cools by running with no heat for 3 minutes or until the temperature drops below 100° F (38° C). Once the basket (tumbler) temperature is below 100° F (38° C), or the 3 minutes expire, the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) will shut off ALL outputs and will remain in Fault Mode until the dryer is addressed.
NOTE: If a model error occurs, the Phase 7 non-coin microprocessor controller (computer) will always default to the “gas” type for safety reasons. Also, the dryer will be stopped and forced into a restart condition to reevaluate ALL the expected responses.