Index continued
examples of
Limited warranty, 24
Low Battery signal, 10
M, N, O
Macintosh server cable, 4 Master server versus Interface
Expander servers, 8
SmartSlot device installation, 12
Multiple SmartSlot Installation, 12– 14
NetWare server cable, 4 Obtaining service, 24 Overview of features, 1
P, Q
Packing for return to APC, 28 Panel, front, 5
Pin assignments, Basic port, 30 Placement of accessories, 12 Ports
Advanced, 8
Basic, 5
PowerChute plus
configuring for simple signaling, 9 installation reminder, 15 support for Confirmed shutdown
mode, 20
PowerNet SNMP Adapter, priority in multiple SmartSlot device installation, 12
Priority of SmartSlot devices, 12 Problem solving, 26 Problems, persistent, 28 Product Description, 5– 6
Product specifications, table, 32
Relay I/O Module, priority of in multiple SmartSlot device installation, 12
Repair, 28
Requirements, hardware and software, 3
Return material authorization (RMA) number, 28
Safety warning, 4 Scheduled shutdowns, 10 Server types, 8 Service, obtaining, 24
Setup procedure, overview of, 11
SmartSlot device installation, 12
Shutdown modes, 19 Shutdown, scheduled, 10 Signaling types, 7 Simple signaling, 7 Smart signaling, 7 SmartSlot
installation of multiple devices, 12
SmartSlot accessory slot, installation of devices in UPS with one slot, 13
SmartSlot devices
installation in Triple Chassis, 13 priority of, 12
Software requirements, 3 Specifications, 30– 32
table, 32 Status LED
behavior, 6