Dialing Restrictions Summary
While procedures that restrict dialing are very effective, absolute protection against misuse cannot be guaranteed. PARTNER phones give more protection than standard phones. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you install PARTNER phones where restricting phone use is important.
The PARTNER Plus system includes several ways to restrict dialing from individual extensions. This appendix discusses the dialing restrictions and ways to override the restrictions. The system programming procedures necessary to set the restrictions are also included.
In general, you can restrict all outside dialing from an extension or allow outside dialing with varying limitations. These limitations may be as simple as preventing calls to a specific phone number through a Disallowed Phone Number List. Or they may be as complex as combining Allowed Phone Number Lists, Disallowed Phone Number Lists, and Outgoing Call Restrictions to allow a user to call just the numbers he or she needs for business. All of the restrictions work on a per extension basis so you can tailor the restrictions to your users.
This appendix is designed to give you information about the restrictions and how they interact. As you decide on the restrictions to assign users, be careful not to make them too tight or too loose. And remember, you can change them at any time through system programming.
No Outside Line Access
Three programming procedures prevent an extension from ever dialing out on a specific line. Two of them work by not assigning the line (or lines) to the extension. The third restricts the type of calls that can be placed on the line. These restrictions cannot be overridden.
If you restrict a line on an extension to incoming calls only, the user cannot select the line to dial out at all (even numbers on the Emergency Phone Number List or Marked System Speed Dial numbers). If a line is unrestricted or restricted to outgoing calls only, use the restrictions discussed in the rest of this appendix to restrict dialing.
Dialing Restrictions Summary