Telephone operations
NOTE: The OPTIONS softkey is available when are calls on both HOME and CELLULAR lines
NOTE: Ending a conference call on a handset or telephone base when other handsets or the telephone base are on the conference call, will not end the conference call, unless you use the End Conf. call option described on the right.
Conferencing HOME and CELLULAR calls
While you are on HOME or CELLULAR call, and the other line is on hold or in use, you can conference the lines using a handset or telephone base. When conferenced, you can end the HOME, CELLULAR, or conference call.
To conference both HOME and CELLULAR calls:
1.Press the OPTIONS softkey on the handset or telephone base.
2.Press the UP and DOWN NavKeys to select Conf. both lines.
3.Press MENU/SELECT on the handset or the SELECT softkey on the telephone base. The HOME and CELLULAR lines will now be conferenced.
To see a list of options for the handset or telephone base while on the conference call:
1.Press the OPTIONS softkey on the handset or telephone base. You can then select:
•Hold Conf. call - holds the conference call.
•End Home call - ends the HOME line call.
•End Cell call - ends the CELLULAR line call.
•End Conf. call - ends the conference call.
2.Press the UP and DOWN NavKeys to highlight your desired choice, then press MENU/SELECT on the handset or the SELECT softkey on the telephone base.
To end a conference call:
•Press OFF/CANCEL on the handset or cradle the handset in the telephone base or charger.
•Press HOME or
CELLULAR on the telephone base
•Use the End Conf. call option described in the above section.