System Features
You can enable voicemail to allow callers to leave messages when you are out of the office, away from your desk or engaged on another phone call. Voicemail messages can be retrieved internally or externally via any phone. Your voicemail may be set up to deliver your messages by calling you whenever you hang up: this feature is known as Voicemail Ringback.
∙Not all systems support voicemail or have voicemail installed.
The∙following options are available for voicemail:
Dialling a number while listening to your messages invokes further facilities:
∙Once messages have been delivered, they are held on the system for 24 hours (this is fixed for Voicemail Lite, but can be varied by your system administrator if your IP Office is equipped with VoicemailPro).
∙You can collect your voicemail from another extension by using the PIN your system administrator has set up for you. You can collect your messages if you are out of the office, by either dialling from a number that has been registered for the purpose or by dialling your extension number and PIN when prompted. If validation is successful, then dial 2 to retrieve your mail.
∙The system administrator also specifies the reception number, to which the call is diverted if the caller dials 0, and your email address if your voicemail and email are integrated.
2410 and 5410 User Guide | Page 35 |
IP Office 3.2 |