Stop Rates Continued
Functional Description
Stop Hierarchy
Coast Stop – Terminal B9
•Disables the drive and opens the contactor using the pilot output
Enable – Terminal C4
•Suspends and resets the control loops
Program Stop – Terminal B8
•Independent ramp time
•Stop Timer
•Independent current limit may be greater than normal current limit
•Independent zero speed
Normal Run/Stop – Terminal C3
•Independent ramp time
•Contactor Delay
Note: The Control’s reaction to commands is defined by a state machine. This determines which commands
provide the demanded action, and in which sequence. Consequently, Coast Stop and Program Stop
must be false (the Control is not in Coast or Program mode), before a Run signal is applied. Otherwise
the control assumes a stop mode and remains disabled.
Normal Stop Sequence
Stop Zero Speed settings less than 0.25% allow the control to remain enabled for the Contactor Delay Time
after reaching Stop Zero Speed. This is useful for Jog applications.
Speed Setpoint %
Speed Demand %
Speed Feedback %
Drive Enable
2Stop Zero Speed 2.00%
Stop Time
10.0 Seconds
Actual stop rate depends on load inertia, motor horse power and
overload capacity of drive (motor + control)
Control is disabled below
Stop Zero Speed if set>0.25% Control remains enabled for the Contactor Delay if
Stop Zero Speed <0.25%
Start / Run (C3)