Section 8Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting 8-1MN792

Overview When a trip occurs, the Controls power stage is immediately disabled (tripped) causing the motor and load to
coast to a stop. The trip remains until action is taken to reset the fault, even if the original cause of the trip is no
longer present. If a trip condition is detected the following occurs:
1. The OK LED goes off indicating a trip condition has occurred. (Investigate, find and remove the
cause of the trip.)
2. Terminal B6 (Healthy) goes low (0V).
If a trip condition is detected, the keypad does the following actions.
1. The OK LED goes out indicating a Trip condition has occurred. The keypad displays the activated
alarm. (Investigate, find and remove the cause of the trip.)
2. Terminal B6 (Healthy) goes low (0V).
3. The alarm message(s) can be acknowledged by pressing the E key, however, the unit will not restart
at this point.

Reset a Trip Condition

All trips must be reset before the Control can be enabled. A trip can only be reset after the trip condition is no
longer active. (For example, a trip due to a heatsink overtemperature can not be reset until the temperature is
less than the trip level.)
More than one trip can be active at any time. For example, it is possible for both the Heatsink Trip and the
Overvolts (VA) trips to be active. Alternatively it is possible for the control to trip due to a Field Over I error and
then for the HEATSINK TRIP trip to become active after the control has stopped (this may occur due to the
thermal time constant of the heatsink).
A trip is reset in one of two ways:
1. Powerup, or remove and reapply the auxiliary power supply.
2. Stop and start the control, i.e. remove and reapply the Start/Run signal (terminal C3 or C4, or the
keypad Stop and Run keys).
Success is indicated when the OK LED is on. The keypad display will return to its original display.

Fault Conditions

Problem Possible Cause Remedy
Control will not powerup Fuse blown Check supply details, replace with correct fuse.
Check Product Code against Model No.
Faulty cabling Check all connections are correct and secure.
Check cable continuity
Control fuse keeps blowing Faulty cabling or connections
wrong Check for problem and rectify before replacing with correct fuse
Faulty control Contact Baldor
Cannot obtain HEALTH state Incorrect or no supply
available Check supply details
Motor will not run at switch
on Motor jammed Stop the control and clear the jam
Motor runs and stops Motor becomes jammed Stop the control and clear the jam
Motor runs at full speed only Reversed tachometer or open
circuit tachometer Check tachometer connections
Open circuit speed reference
potentiometer Check terminal
Serial (P3) Errors This is an output parameter in the System Port (P3) function block, where the parameter value can be read and
reset. The following values are returned if an inquiry (reading information from the control) is performed on this
Read/Write parameter. Writing any value to this parameter will set the value to >00C0. Clearing the last error
value may be useful to see if the error is reoccurring.
Value Description
>00C0 No Error
>01C7 Invalid mnemonic
>02C2 Checksum (BCC) error
>03C2 Framing or overrun error
>04C8 Attempt to read from a write only parameter
>05C8 Attempt to write to a read only parameter
>07C7 Invalid message format
>07C8 Invalid data (encoding error)
>08C8 Data out of range