Programming 6-49MN792
System Port P3 Continued
Communication Port Setup
For UDP data and text file transfers, set the host computer communication port settings as follows:
9600 Baud 8 bits
1 Stop bit
XON/XOFF handshaking
NO parity UDP transfer procedure
Note: Set the P3 Baud Rate to match the PC’s COM port baud rate (9600 is recommended).
DB9 Pin No. DB25 Pin No.
P3 Port Connector P3 Pin No. Signal Name Female Male Female Male
1 0VDC 5 5 7 7
2 24VDC No Connection No Connection No Connection No Connection
1 2 3 4 3 Tx2 3 2 3
4 Rx3 2 3 2
Download (DUMP File From P3)
This procedure is used to collect information that fully documents all the control’s settings in an ASCII text file.
You can print the file or store it for future use (troubleshooting etc.).
Note: This procedure transfers the drive’s current settings (in memory), not the settings stored in EEPROM.
1. Connect one end of the P3 cable to the P3 port and the other end to the PC’s COM port.
2. Ensure that the drive’s P3 Mode is set to Disable.
3. Save the parameter settings using Parameter Save to ensure the present settings will be read.
4. Using a standard communications package, prepare the host computer to receive an ASCII file. Use
a file extension like .MMI to differentiate it from .UDP format files.
5. Enable the host computer to begin receiving data.
6. Start the text download by selecting “DUMP MMI–> P3”. The file transfer begins and will appear
similar to the following:
ISSUE: 5.13
..DC 4Q 35A
........SPEED DEMAND [89 ] = 0.00 %
........SPEED FEEDBACK [207 ] = 0.01 %
........SPEED ERROR [297 ] = –0.01 %
........SPEED LOOP O/P [549 ] = 0.00 %
........CURRENT DEMAND [299 ] = 0.00 %
........CURRENT FEEDBACK [298 ] = 0.00 %
Note: Enabling the transmitting port in a serial communications setup initiates data transfer. Therefore, enable
the receiving port the host computer before beginning communication at the drive’s P3 port.
7. The file ends with the CTRL–Z character. This character automatically closes the file in some serial
communications software packages. If not, close the file manually when it has finished transferring
data and when the host computer has stopped scrolling text.
8. Save the file to disk.
Use the P3 port to transfer ASCII files containing the drive’s configuration and parameter settings between the
590 Digital drive and a host computer. The transfer uses a simple ASCII file structure and XON / XOFF
protocol. Most communications packages use this protocol. A PC Pentium running Windows is required.
Transferring data from the control to a host computer is defined as downloading; transferring data from a host
computer to the control is an upload.