Block Diagram The Block Diagram parameters make the connections of input and output tags for the blocks identified on the
block diagrams of Appendix C. These connections are only executed when the destinations are connected to a
non–zero tag. If a function is not required, set its destination tag to zero. A tag=0 causes the processor to ignore
the function and reduces processor loading.
Note: Only the connections are described here. For information about an input or output, refer to the
description of that block described in this section.
3 BLOCK DIAGRAM [Block Name} I/O Signal Name
[Raise/Lower] Output Destination
[Ramps] Ramp Output Destination
[Setpoint Sum 1] SPT Sum Destination
[PID] PID Output Destination
[Current Loop] POS I Clamp Source
[Current Loop] NEG I Clamp Source
[Tag] Value Description
[260] 0 Raise/Lower] Output Destination
[293] 291 [Ramps] Ramp Output to Setpoint 3 of Speed Loop block.
[294] 289 [Setpoint Sum 1] SPT Sum to Setpoint 1 of Speed Loop block.
[400] 0 [PID] PID Output Destination
[435] 0 [Current Loop] POS I Clamp Source
[436] 0 [Current Loop] NEG I Clamp Source
Parameter Descriptions
[Raise/Lower] Output Destination
Connects the output of the Raise/Lower bock to its destination tag. Range: 0 to 549
[Ramps] Ramp Output Destination
Connects the Ramp Output of the Ramps bock to its destination tag. Range: 0 to 549
[Setpoint Sum 1] SPT Sum Destination
Connects the SPT Sum Output of the Setpoint Sum 1 bock to its destination tag. Range: 0 to 549
[PID] PID Output Destination
Connects the PID Output of the PID bock to its destination tag. Range: 0 to 549
[Current Loop] POS I Clamp Source
Connects the POS 1 Clamp input of the Current Loop bock to its source tag. Range: 0 to 549
[Current Loop] NEG I Clamp Source
Connects the NEG 1 Clamp input of the Current Loop bock to its source tag. Range: 0 to 549