Calibration Continued
Parameter Descriptions Continued
Encoder RPM
Max motor speed when using encoder feedback. Range: 0 to 6000 RPM
Encoder Lines
Sets the lines per revolution value of the encoder being used. Range: 10 to 5000
Trim adjustment of the motor speed to give exactly 100% at the required actual speed value (e.g.
1500 RPM etc). Note: Primary tachometer calibration is achieved by adjusting SW1 – 3 on the
tachometer calibration board.
Range: 0.9800 to 1.1000
Zero SPD. Offset
If the speed feedback is not zero when the drive is stationary (possibly due to hardware offsets etc.),
set this parameter value to result in a zero reading from the speed feedback.
Range: –5.00 to 5.00 %
Armature I (A9)
Selects bipolar or unipolar operation of the current meter output (terminal A9). Range: 0 : Unipolar
1 : Bipolar
The speed feedback alarm compares speed feedback to armature voltage. The alarm level is the
maximum difference between the two signals before the alarm is activated.
Range: 0.00 to 100.00 % (h)
Stall Threshold
Stall comparator current feedback threshold level. Range: 0.00 to 200.00 %
Stall Trip Delay
Stall comparator time–out delay before stall output becomes true. Range: 0.1 to 600.0
V/F Mode
Speed Feedback > 0.25%
Stall Threshold
Delay Stall Trip
Stall Trip Delay
Current Feedback
Overspeed Level
Speed feedback level for overspeed alarm Range: 0.00 to 200.00 %
Trim adjustment of the motor field current to give exactly 100% at the required actual current value
(e.g. 1.5A etc.).
Note: Primary field calibration is achieved by adjusting IF calibration using SW1 – 3.
Range: 0.9800 to 1.1000