6-28 Programming MN792
Alarms This function block provides a view into the present and past trip conditions, and allows some trips to be
disabled. It is viewed at the keypad in three menus.
Field Fail
5703 RCV Error
Stall Trip
Trip Reset
Speed FBK Alarm
Encoder Alarm
REM Trip Inhibit
Last Alarm
Health Word
Health Store
Stall Trip
Remote Trip
REM Trip Delay
Field Fail
5703 RCV Error
Stall Trip
Speed FBK Alarm
Encoder Alarm
Health Reset
Drive Start
Field current less than 6%.
(Field fail threshold is 6% in Current
control, 12% in Voltage control.)
5703 in Slave Mode and COMMS Error
From Calibration Stall Delay and Stall Threshold
From Calibration SPD FBK Alarm Level
Encoder Feedback Selected and Error Detected
Tag Parameter Setting
Inhibit Alarms
[19] Field Fail Enabled
[111] 5703 RCV Error Enabled
[28] Stall Trip Inhibited
[81] Speed FBK Alarm Enabled
[92] Encoder Alarm Enabled
[305] Trip Reset True
Parameter Descriptions
Healthy (Read in Diagnostics Parameters)
Refer to the diagnostics function block description. Range: 0 : False
1 : True
Ready (Read in Diagnostics Parameters)
Refer to the diagnostics function block description. Range: 0 : False
1 : True
Health Word
The hexadecimal sum of any alarms present. Refer to Troubleshooting for more information. Range: 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
Health Store
The hexadecimal value of the first (or only) alarm. Refer to Troubleshooting for more information. Range: 0x0000 to 0xFFFF
Remote Trip
The State Of Remote Trip. Range: 0 : OK
1 : Failed
Stall Trip
Armature current is above stall threshold and at zero speed but not at zero setpoint. Range: 0 : OK
1 : Failed
Last Alarm
The hexadecimal value of the last (or only) alarm. Refer to Troubleshooting for more information.
0x0000 : No Active Alarms 0x0080 : Encoder Failed 0x8000 : Accts Failed
0x0001 : Over Speed 0x0100 : Field Failed 0xf001 : Autotune Error
0x0002 : Missing Pulse 0x0200 : 3 Phase Failed 0xf002 : Autotune Aborted
0x0004 : Field Over I 0x0400 : Phase Lock 0xf200 : CONFIG Enabled
0x0008 : Heatsink Trip 0x0800 : 5703 Rcv Error 0xf400 : No Opstation (No Keypad)
0x0010 : Thermistor 0x1000 : Stall Trip 0xf006 : Remote Trip
0x0020 : Over Volts (Va) 0x2000 : Over I Trip 0xff05 : PCB Version
0x0040 : Spd Feedback 0xf005 : External Trip 0xff06 : Product Code
Range: 0x0000 to 0xff06
Field Fail
Inhibits the field fail alarm. Range: 0 : Enabled
1 : Inhibited
5703 RCV Error
Inhibits 5703 serial communications receive error. Only active in slave mode. Range: 0 : Enabled
1 : Inhibited
Stall Trip
Inhibits the stall trip alarm from tripping the contactor out. Range: 0 : Enabled
1 : Inhibited
Trip Reset
When false, the faults are latched permanently and the healthy output remains inactive after
changing the start input (C3) Off/On. The trip reset must then be set to true for the faults to be reset
and the healthy output to go active (high) when C3 goes low. this feature can be used in
applications where you want to reset the faults under your own control, rather than automatically
with the start/run command.
Range: 0 : False
1 : True
Speed FBK Alarm
Inhibits the speed feedback alarm. Range: 0 : Enabled
1 : Inhibited
Encoder Alarm
Inhibits the encoder option board alarm. Range: 0 : Enabled
1 : Inhibited
REM Trip Inhibit
Inhibits the remote trip. Range: 0 : Enabled
1 : Inhibited
REM Trip Delay
The delay between the remote trip alarm being activated and the drive tripping. Range: 0 : Enabled
1 : Inhibited