Switch Setting & Start-Up 5-17MN792

Upload/Download Procedure (UDP)
This procedure will transfer the parameters from a file at the host computer to the nonvolatile memory of the
Control. This information is written directly to EEPROM, so all the drives settings are overwritten. The
procedure is as follows:
1. Verify the Control is properly connected to the PC.
2. Use a standard communications software package installed at the PC. Set the COM port for 9600, 8,
1, None. Prepare the PC communications software to send a standard ASCII text file.
3. Set the Serial Links::System Port (P3)::P3 Setup::Mode parameter to DISABLE.
4. Start the upload. Use the keypad and select Serial Links::System Port (P3)::UDP XFER (RX) and
press the UP () key, when instructed to start the upload.
5. When the keypad display shows RECEIVING, begin the file transfer.
6. The file ends in a :00000001FF which the Control uses to close the file.
7. As indicated, reset the Control by pressing the E key.
This procedure will transfer the parameters from the Control to a file at the host computer. The procedure is as
1. Verify the Control is properly connected to the PC.
2. Use a standard communications software package installed at the PC. Set the COM port for 9600, 8,
1, None. Prepare the software to receive a standard ASCII text file (Capture mode); use the file
extension .UDP to differentiate it from .MMI format files.
3. Perform a PARAMETER SAVE of the Controls settings. This ensures the Dump matches the
Controls settings, (the listing is of the Controls currently saved settings, i.e. held in EEPROM).
4. Set the Serial Links::System Port (P3)::P3 Setup::Mode parameter to DISABLE.
5. Start the download at the Control by selecting Serial Links::System Port (P3)::UDP XFER ((TX) on
the keypad and pressing the UP () key, when instructed.
6. The file ends in a Ctrlz. With some software packages this automatically closes the downloaded file.
If this is not the case, when the Control indicates it has finished and the host has stopped scrolling
text, close the file at your PC. The last line should read :00000001FF
7. The ASCII file can now be stored like any other file on your disk drive.