For instructions for restoring System State for a Microsoft Windows 2003 server, refer to the Barraucuda Networks Knowledgebase Solution “How can I perform a System State Restore from my Barracuda Backup Service on a Windows 2003 server?” at
These instructions also describe how to restore System State on a Windows 2003 Active Directory domain controller.
Restoring Exchange and GroupWise Messages
Use the Barracuda Backup Server Web interface to view, search and restore Microsoft Exchange and Novell GroupWise messages. You can view all of the messages within a single mailbox or select multiple mailboxes to search for a text string.
To restore messages using the Restore Browser:
1.On the left side of the Web interface, click on the Barracuda Backup Server from which you wish to restore data.
2.Go to the RESTORE > Restore Browser page, select the computer and the associated data source that contains the messages that you would like to restore, and follow the onscreen instructions.
FTPES can be used to restore data if your local Barracuda Backup Server is not currently accessible or it you are not on the same network as your local Barracuda Backup Server. This is not for data stored by the Barracuda Backup Agent. This option is used:
•For file share data only.
•To restore data directly from the Barracuda Cloud Storage.
Programs such as FileZilla for Windows or Linux and Transmit for Mac OS X work well.
To use FTPES to restore data:
1.Download, install and launch an FTPES client.
2.Connect to the server/host restore.barracuda.com
3.Your account must have administrator rights to restore files. The username and password are the same as those used to access the Barracuda Backup Web interface.
4.Select the FTPES protocol and standard port 21
5.Upon connection, you will be given a listing of directories. Follow the directory structure to the date when you would like to restore your data. Past those directories, you will then be shown the servers that are backed up. After servers, you will be presented with each share that you backed up on that server. Now you can find the data you wish to restore.
6.Drag the data to restore from the connection to a location on your system. All of the data will be retrieved from the Barracuda Cloud Storage.
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