DS72 Host Module
Enter choice, CR to exit.
User name: test
Enter old password (CR if none)>
Enter new password (<= 9 characters)>****
Confirm by
If the password and confirm password do not match, the module will ask you to confirm the password again. The module displays the following for a matched password:
Password change successful.
Delete User
Select D), from the User Management Menu. The Host Module will display the following:
From menu above, enter number for user to delete>1
If you select the “admin” user the Module responds with an input error message:
Input error: deletion of admin user not allowed.
From menu above, enter number for user to delete>
Type the number of the user to be deleted and press <cr>. A successful deletion the Module responds with User Menu minus the deleted user.
SNMP Configuration
Selecting the SNMP Configuration and the Host Module respond:
SNMP Trap Host 1 Address | 1 Where | to send Trap messages, |
SNMP Trap Host 2 Address | 2 | Where to send Trap messages, |
SNMP Trap Host 3 Address | 3 | Where to send Trap messages, |
SNMP Trap Host 4 Address | 4 | Where to send Trap messages, |
SNMP | 5 | Enter READ Community name |
SNMP | 6 | Enter Write Community name |
SNMP Enable | 7 | Enable/Disable |
Exit | X,CR |
Depending on the firmware, SNMP Configuration allows the admin to control whether or not a user has Read/Write access or Read access only. It also allows the admin to control which IP addresses are allowed to receive a host trap, and simply whether to enable or disable the entire SNMP function.
IMPORTANT: You will need some knowledge of SNMP protocols in order to get the Baytech device to work with your SNMP program. Information provided is for the SNMP Agent only. Baytech Support will assist with the Agent part only. For SNMP Manger assistance refer to the vender manual or contact the vender of the SNMP software you are using.
NOTE: There are a number of shareware MIB Browsers that can be downloaded from the internet to make changes and receive traps for a quick verification test.
IMPORTANT: To use the SNMP functions you need to download the MIB from Baytech’s web site, www.baytech.net. Look under Tech Support, Docs and Downloads.