Net masks - the binary explanation
To really understand the operation of a net mask it is necessary to delve deeper into the life blood of computers – binary; this is native digital, where everything is either a 1 (one) or 0 (zero), on or off, yes or no.
The net mask operation described on the previous page is known as a
In this case, the four zeroes at the end of the net mask indicate that the local part of the address is formed by only the last four bits. If you use the diagram from the previous example and insert the new net mask, it will have the following effect on the final result:
192 168 142 154
192 168 142 144
Inside a
154 | Decimal octet prior to AND |
| |
| operation with net mask |
Binary equivalent of 154
1111 0 0 0 0
10010000 | Binary octet after AND |
| operation with net mask |
144 | Decimal equivalent of 10010000 |
Thus, when 154 is