D9112B | Program Entry Guide | 1.0 Panel Wide Parameter EN | 22
Bosch Security Systems | 2/04 | 74-06145-000-D
1.5 RAM Parameters
These program items are used to enable RAM
functions in the D9119.
RAM Passcode
Default: 999999
Selection: 0 to 9, A to F (6 characters required)
RAM programming security passcode. Enter six
characters. Do not use [SPACE] in the passcode.
The RAM passcode must be typed into the RAM
computer terminal and transmitted to the D9112
before the D9112 allows RAM Access.
When the panel is programmed to send reports in
Modem Format
, if the RAM makes contact with the
panel and the passcode is incorrect, the panel sends
Ram Access Fail
report to the D6500.
Access Fail
is also generated when the call is not
terminated with either a Good-bye or Reset-bye
Valid RAM Access
is sent according to phone
routing when a Good-bye command is entered from
RAM to terminate the call.
When a Reset-bye is used to terminate the call, a
Remote Reset
report is sent to the D6500, and a
Valid RAM Access
is placed into the panel’s event
log. Reports in the event log that have not been sent
prior to the Reset-bye are never sent to the D6500.
Parameters Changed
is sent to the D6500 with the
Ram Access Fail
Valid RAM Access
whenever programming parameters are changed by
Parameters Changed
report sent without
Valid RAM Access
report indicates
programming with a D5200.
To disable remote programming, enter Blank in
Answer Armed
Answer Disarmed
Log % Full
Default: Blank
Selection: 1 to 99 or Blank
When the event log in the D9112 reaches this
percentage of its capacity, the D9112 calls the
number programmed in
. When the panel
connects to RAM, it waits for instructions from the
RAM to download its event log. (See the RAM II
Operation and Installation Guide for further
information on call pick-up procedures.)
If communication with RAM is not successful, or if
there is no phone number programmed in
the panel sends a
Log Threshold
and a
Bad Call to
report to the D6500. This indicates that the
log is filling and the panel cannot download its
If there is no
programmed, the panel sends
Log Threshold
Bad Call to RAM
immediately. If there is a
programmed, the
panel makes multiple attempts to reach RAM before
sending the reports. See
for an explanation
of dialing characteristics.
The panel will not call RAM again until it
downloads the log and the
Log % Full
percentage is
again reached. These events are also sent to the
panel’s event log and to the local printer(s) if
The panel continues to log events after the
report is sent. When it reaches 100%
capacity, the panel generates a Log Overflow event
and stores it in the local event log but does not send
any report to the D6500. Log Overflow events are
sent with
reports if
Expand Test Rpt
programmed YES. When the log overflows, the
oldest events are overwritten by new events. If the
log is not downloaded to RAM and the log pointer is
not reset, no additional LOG OVERFLOW events
are sent to the log.
Every time an event is generated, the event is sent to
the log. Many events have “modifiers” attached to
them which are stored in the log as separate events.
For example, each time an area is force armed,
several events are sent to the log. The log in the
D9112 can store up to 499 events.
Blank disables the Log Threshold and Log
Overflow events. These events are not put in the log
or reported to the D6500 or to the local printer.