Divar Installation Manual Menu system
•Four inputs can be used to trigger automatic protection of video clips.
•Select the inputs you want to use for each of these triggers. Set to None if you do not want automatic protection.
•Select the length of time (1 to 60 minutes) that you want protected before and after the event. These values are valid for all four inputs.
•Select the percentage of hard disk space you want to reserve for
>>>Motion Setup
•Using motion detection outdoors may cause false alarms because of varying light conditions.
•To restore the default motion settings select the Clear Motion Settings item.
•Select the Display Monitor submenu to set up the view mode and cameras to be activated on the monitor for each motion event. The Motion Area submenu sets the area and sensitivity for each camera.
•Select the number of the output relay that is activated when motion is detected.
•Enable the beeper to activate it when any motion is detected.
Display mon A
•Select the camera number that generates the motion event.
•If you have controllable cameras, set a camera number and a pre- position number. The specified camera goes to this position when motion is detected by the selected camera (not necessarily the controllable camera).
•Select a view mode. Only view modes that are enabled can be selected.
•If you have selected the
Display mon B
•Select the camera number that generates the motion event.
•If you have controllable cameras, set a camera number and a pre- position number. The specified camera goes to this position when motion is detected by the selected camera (not necessarily the controllable camera).
•Select up to four cameras to be displayed in sequence.
Motion area
•Select a camera number.
•The motion indicator shows the maximum level of camera motion that has been detected for the defined area. Press F2 to clear it if you want to
•Use the arrow keys to adjust the Trigger level slider to just below the indicated motion level.
•A motion detection signal is generated when the level of motion reaches the trigger level set.
Edit area
•Select Motion Area to define the picture area where motion is detected.
•Use the arrow keys to move around the grid. Press F1 to insert a motion detection area and use the arrow keys to enlarge it. Press F1 again to save the area. Press the escape key to cancel and return to grid square selection.
•Press the select key to leave the grid. F2 clears all motion detection areas.
>>>Video loss Setup
•Select the monitor on which the camera with the video loss is displayed.
•Select the number of the output relay that is activated when video loss occurs.
•Enable the beeper to activate it when any video loss occurs.
• Select Yes for those events that you want to log in the history file.
Bosch Security Systems