
Na tento v˘robek poskytujeme záruku po dobu 2 lét od data prodeje spotfiebiteli. Bûhem této záruãní doby bezplatnû odstraníme závady na v˘robku, zpÛsobené vadami materiálu nebo chybou v˘roby. Oprava bude provedena podle na‰eho rozhodnutí buì opravou nebo v˘mûnou celého v˘robku.Tato záruka platí pro v‰echny zemû, kam je tento v˘robek dodáván firmou Braun nebo jejím autorizovan˘m distributorem.

Tato záruka se nevztahuje: na po‰kození, vzniklá nesprávn˘m pouÏíváním a údrÏbou, na bûÏné opotfiebení, jakoÏ i na defekty, mající zanedbateln˘ vliv na hodnotu a pouÏitelnost pfiístroje. Záruka pozb˘vá platnosti, pokud byl v˘robek mechanicky po‰kozen nebo pokud jsou opravy provedeny neautorizovan˘mi osobami nebo pokud nejsou pouÏity originální díly Braun. Pfiístroj je urãen v˘hradnû pro domácí pouÏití. Pfii pouÏití jin˘m zpÛsobem nelze uplatnit záruku.

Poskytnutím záruky nejsou dotãena práva spotfiebitele, která se ke koupi vûci váÏí podle zvlá‰tních právních pfiedpisÛ.

Záruka platí jen tehdy, je-li záruãní list fiádnû vyplnûn (datum prodeje, razítko prodejny a podpis prodavaãe) a je-li souãasnû s ním pfiedloÏen prodejní doklad (dále jen doklady o koupi).

Chcete-li vyuÏít servisních sluÏeb v záruãní dobû,pfiedejte nebo po‰lete kompletní pfiístroj spolu s doklady o koupi do autorizovaného servisního stfiediska Braun. Aktualizovan˘ seznam servisních stfiedisek je k dispozici v prodejnách v˘robkÛ Braun.

Volejte bezplatnou infolinku 0800 11 33 22 pro informaci o nejbliωím servisním stfiedisku Braun.

O pfiípadné v˘mûnû pfiístroje nebo zru‰ení kupní smlouvy platí pfiíslu‰ná zákonná ustanovení. Záruãní doba se prodluÏuje o dobu, po kterou byl v˘robek podle záznamu z opravny v záruãní opravû.


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Braun MR 5550 V, MR 4050 V manual Záruka

MR 4050 V, MR 5550 V specifications

The Braun MR 4050 V and MR 5550 V are standout models from Braun’s line of hand blenders, each offering a blend of innovation, functionality, and user-friendly design. These blenders are engineered to make food preparation effortless, ensuring that cooking enthusiasts can achieve professional results right in their own kitchens.

The Braun MR 4050 V is designed for versatility and ease of use. Its powerful motor allows for efficient blending, whipping, and chopping, which makes it an essential tool for preparing everything from smoothies to soups. One notable feature is the EasyClick system, which allows for simple attachment changes. This feature provides users the flexibility to switch between the blending wand, whisk, and chopper seamlessly, catering to various culinary tasks.

Another key characteristic of the MR 4050 V is its unique PowerBell technology. This innovation ensures that foods are blended quickly and consistently, thanks to its ultra sharp stainless steel blades and a specially designed blending bell. The design minimizes splashing, keeping your countertop clean while maximizing performance.

The MR 5550 V, on the other hand, boasts additional features that cater to those who demand more from their kitchen appliances. Its 700-watt motor provides even more power, which is ideal for tougher tasks such as crushing ice or blending hard vegetables. The model also incorporates the same PowerBell technology found in the MR 4050 V but enhances it with a broader mixing area, allowing for faster and more uniform blending.

Both hand blenders come equipped with a comfortable grip and ergonomic design, ensuring ease of use during prolonged blending sessions. The MR 5550 V features speed settings that allow for precise control over the blending process, giving users greater flexibility to adapt to different recipes and ingredients.

In terms of build quality, both models are built with durability in mind and feature high-quality materials that stand up to regular use. Cleaning is made simple, as the detachable blending shaft is dishwasher safe, while the other attachments can be easily rinsed under running water.

In conclusion, the Braun MR 4050 V and MR 5550 V hand blenders epitomize Braun’s commitment to quality, innovative technology, and user-centric design, making them perfect for anyone looking to enhance their culinary experience. Whether you are a novice cook or a seasoned chef, these hand blenders provide the functionality and efficiency that every kitchen needs.