672 Brocade Mobility RFS4000, RFS6000 and RFS7000 CLI Reference Guide
Wireless configuration commands
mac Internet Protocol (IP)
mac-address-table Display MAC address table
mac-name Displays the configured mac names
management Display L3 Managment Interface name
mobility Display Mobil ity parameters
ntp Network time protocol
password-encryption password encryption
port Physical/Aggreagte port interface
port-channel Portchannel commands
privilege Show current privilege level
protocol-list List of protocols
radius RADIUS configuration commands
redundancy Display redun dancy group parameters
role Configure role parameters
rtls Real Time Locating System commands
running-config Current Operating configuration
securitymgr Securitymgr parameters
service-list List of servi ces
sessions Display current active open connections
smtp-notification Display SNMP engine parameters
snmp Display SNMP engine parameters
snmp-server Display SNMP engine parameters
spanning-tree Display spanning tree information
startup-config Contents of startup configuration
static-channel-group static channel group membership
terminal Display termi nal configuration parameters
timezone Display timezone
traffic-shape Display traffic shaping
upgrade-status Display last image upgrade status
users Display information about currently logged in
version Display software & hardware version
virtual-ip IP redundancy feature
wireless Wireless configuration commands
wlan-acl wlan based acl
RFController(config-wireless)#show wireles s config
country-code : us
adoption-pref-id : 1
proxy-arp : enabled
adopt-unconf-radio : disabled
dot11-shared-key-auth : disabled
ap-detection : disabled
manual-wlan-mapping : disabled
dhcp sniff state : disabled
dhcp fix broadcast-rsp : disabled
broadcast-tx-speed : optimize-for-range
wlan bw allocation : enabled
Adaptive ap parameters:
config-apply def-delay : 30 seconds
config-apply mesh-delay: 3 minutes
wired-to-wireless rate limit per user : un limited
wireless-to-wired rate limit per user : un limited
user load balance mode : by-throughput
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