Brocade Mobility RFS4000, RFS6000 and RFS7000 CLI Reference Guide 801
26Role Instance
In this chapter
Role config commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 801
Use the (config-role) instance to configure Role related configuration commands. To navigate
to the config-role instance, use the following commands:
RFController(config)#role <rolename> <roleprio rity>
For more information on the role command, see role on page 278.

Role config commands

The following table summarizes config-role commands:
TABLE 28 Role Config Commands
Command Description mRef.
ap-location Sets the AP location configuration page802
Sets the authentication type configuration page803
Sets the encryption type page804
essid Sets ESSID configuration for role based firewall page805
group Sets role group properties page806
ip Sets IP configuration properties page807
mac Sets MAC configuration properties page 808
client-mac Sets Client MAC configuration properties page809
no Negates role commands. page811
service Invokes service commands to troubleshoot or debug
(config-dhcp) instance configurations
page 815
show Displays the running system information page816
clrscr Clears the display screen page 810
exit Ends the current mode and moves to the previous mode page 813
end Ends the current mode and moves to the EXEC mode page812
help Displays the interactive help system in HTML format page 814