Brocade Mobility RFS4000, RFS6000 and RFS7000 CLI Reference Guide 689
Wireless configuration commands 20
NOTE: The full syntax for the internal pa ge definition is as follows :
wlan 1 hotspot webpage internal
welcome title Welcome to hotspot page.
You have logged on successfullyfailure –
Users are redirected to this Web page if they fail
authentication. File must be named fail.html.
login – Users are prompted for their username and
password within this Web page. File must be named
welcome – Users are redirected to this Web page after
they authenticate successfully. File must be named
webpage-location [advanced|external|internal] – The
location of the Web pages used for authentication. These
pages can either be hosted on the controller or an external
Web Server.
advanced – Invokes login/welcome/failure Web pages
created by the user on the controller.
external – Invokes login/welcome/failure Web pages on
an external server.
internal (logout-on-browser-close)– Invokes
login/welcome/failure Web pages created
automatically on the controller.
logout-on-browser-close – Enables/disables user
logout on browser close. Default value disable.
ip [arp|dhcp] Sets Internet Protocol settings for ARP and DHCP packets.
arp [rate-limit <1-1000000>|trust] – Address Resolution
Protocol configuration.
dhcp trust – Dynamic Host Resolution Protocol
trust – Sets the arp/dhcp responses as trusted for this
rate-limit <1-1000000> – Does packet rate limiting on ARP
packets to a value in the range 1 and 1000000.
Sets an inactivity timeout in seconds. If a frame is not received
from a wireless client for this amount of time, the wireless client is
independent Sets this WLAN to be an independent WLAN.