16 16Using the Windows® -Based
Brother SmartUI Control Center
(For Windows® XP)
Brother SmartUI Control Center
The Brother Control Center is a software utility that allows you to quite easily, with very few mouse clicks, access the most frequently used scanning applications. Using the Control Center eliminates the need to manually launch the specific applications.
The Brother Control Center provides four categories of operations:
1Scan directly to a file,
2Enhanced copy functions, such as Nine/Four/Two or One on One Copying. (NOTE: The number of copy buttons may vary depending on which model MFC you purchased.)
3PC Faxing using the Brother PC Fax software.
4Custom buttons allow you to configure a button to meet you own application requirements. (NOTE: The number of Custom buttons may vary depending on which model MFC you have purchased.)
In the Task Tray right click on the Control Center icon and select Show to have access to the Brother SmartUI Control Center window.
16 - 1 U S I N G T H E W I N D O W S ® - B A S E D B R O T H E R S M A R T U I C O N T R O L C E N T E R ( F O R W I N D O W S ® X P )