Brother Control Center Features
The SmartUI control center gives you the ability to both configure the hardware “Scan to” keys on your MFC and to use additional built in software features such as “Scan to File”. The “Scan to File” feature allows you to scan a document directly to your hard disk in the directory and file format of your choice without having to run any other applications. Select which section you want by clicking on the appropriate tab.
Auto Configuration
During the installation process the Control Center checks your system to determine the default applications for
For example, if you are using Outlook as your default
You can change the default application by right clicking on any of the scan buttons in the Control Center and then clicking Configuration. Select the Configuration tab and from the Application pull down menu select a different application. For example, you can change the
16 - 3 U S I N G T H E W I N D O W S ® - B A S E D B R O T H E R S M A R T U I C O N T R O L C E N T E R ( F O R W I N D O W S ® X P )