Scan to OCR (Word Processing Program)
Scan to OCR converts the graphic page image data to text which can be edited by any word processor program. You can change the default word processor program (example: Word Pad instead of Word) and file type. You can also choose other OCR software package besides the TextBridge OCR which is built in PaperPort.
To configure Scan to OCR right click on the WordPad button and select Configuration. The Scan Action tab is set to OCR and should not be changed.
To change the word processing application click on the Configuration Tab. You can select the destination word processing application from the Application pull down list.
To change the program link preferences click the Link Preferences button.
16 - 15 U S I N G T H E W I N D O W S ® - B A S E D B R O T H E R S M A R T U I C O N T R O L C E N T E R ( F O R W I N D O W S ® X P )