Before starting installationBe careful when handling the NC-9100h. There are many delicate
electronic components th at are susceptible to damage from static
electricity. To avoid such damage, use the following precautions
when handling the board.
■Leave the NC-9100h in its anti -static bag until you are ready t o
install it.
■Make sure that you are adequat ely grounded before touch ing the
NC-9100h. Use an anti-sta tic wrist strap and a grounding ma t if
possible. If you do not have an ant i-static wrist strap, touch the
bare metal surface on the back of the machine before handling
the NC-9100h.
■Avoid moving around the wor k area in order to eliminate static
charge build-up.
■If possible, do not work on a ca rpeted area.
■Do not flex the board and do not touch the components on the
Tools Required:
Phillips Screwdriver