
Selecting an embroidery pattern

There are 70 embroidery patterns, such as flowers and animals, saved in the machine's memory.

70 Embroidery patterns


￿Refer to "Embroidery Pattern Color Change Table" in the Quick reference guide for samples of completed patterns and the thread used.

a Press .

￿The pattern selection screen is displayed.

Select the pattern.



b Switch the screen using

(Previous page

key) and

(Next page key).
















Selecting a frame pattern

10 shapes, such as squares and circles, can be combined with 12 stitch types.


￿Refer to "Frame patterns" in the Quick reference guide for frame pattern shapes and stitches.

a Press.


￿The frame shape selection screen is displayed.

Select the frame shape.


b Switch the screen using

(Previous page

key) and

(Next page key), and select

from the 10 types.

When / is pressed, the display of patterns moves backward/forward 10 patterns.

￿ The stitch selection screen is displayed.

￿When a pattern is selected, it can be embroidered.

Selecting Embroidery Patterns 155