SEWING BASICS ————————————————————————————————————————————

e After reaching the end of the stitching, press (Reverse/reinforcement stitch button)


Buttonholes or bar tacking require reinforcement stitching making this operation unnecessary.

￿After the reverse stitching or reinforcement stitching has been done, the sewing machine stops, and the thread is cut.

The thread is cut here.


￿Press (Start/stop button) when you want to stop the sewing machine in the middle of sewing without programmed thread-cutting (for example, when you want to change the sewing direction). The sewing machine stops

without programmed thread cutting.

Press (Reverse/reinforcement stitch button) at the end of the stitching.


2 a

4 c

3 b

aStop the machine and change the sewing direction.

bStart the machine again. c The thread is cut here.

￿If the power is turned off, programmed thread-cutting will be turned off.

Mirroring stitches

You can sew the mirror image of a stitch horizontally (left and right).

a Turn on the machine.

￿The LCD comes on.

b Select a stitch.

For details on selecting a stitch, refer to "Selecting stitching" (page 51).

cPress on the screen.

￿It turns to , and the pattern displayed at the top of the screen is mirrored.


￿To cancel the mirror image setting,

press .

￿Mirror image is not possible for buttonholes

and other stitches where shows.

￿When the sewing machine is turned off, the mirror image setting is cancelled.