Word references
Some words in the dictionaries contain references to other words. The references are displayed in bold italic style.
If you press Nav when a word reference is displayed, a menu appears and you can choose to:
•look up the reference
•cancel the menu
•close the translation/definition containing the reference
If you choose to look up the reference, the word will be translated.
Translation/definition screen
The Translation/definition screen displays the translation of the selected word. If only part of the text will fit on the display a scroll bar will appear. Turn Nav to scroll the text.
Translation/ Definition screen
The meaning of bold and italic characters is explained in Info, see Info button p. 61.
To cancel the scanned word/text and go back to the C Dic- tionary main screen, press Trigg briefly.
A new word can be read without closing the screen. Close the Translation screen by pressing Nav or ESC.