The installation program will place a C-Pen icon (My C- Pen) on your PC’s desktop. When C-Pen is connected to your PC you can double-click on the icon. If the cable connection between C-Pen and the PC is in order, a com- munication icon will appear in the status field on C-Pen’s display. 
Getting Help
To get more detailed help using C-Win, open C-Pen Viewer (by double-clicking on the My C-Penicon), from the Help menu select the C-Pen Help Topics. Or click your PC’s Start button/Programs/C-Pen/C-Pen Help. You can also press F1 on the PC keyboard to enter the C-Win Software Help.
C-Pen Viewer
Open C-Pen Viewer by double-clicking on the My C-Penicon. C-Pen Viewer enables you to browse the contents of your C-Pen.