3Shooting Video Snapshots

Options in Steps 8 and 9



JSave as album

The movie clip will be saved as the video

(Step 8)

snapshot album’s first video snapshot.

JAdd to album

The video snapshot just recorded will be added

(Step 9)

to the album recorded immediately before.


A new video snapshot album is created and the

WSave as a new album

movie clip is saved as the first video snapshot.

(Step 9)

The new album will be a different file from the


previously recorded album.

1Playback video snapshot

The video snapshot just recorded will be played.

(Steps 8 and 9)

For playback operations, see the next page.

rDo not save to album

The video snapshot you just recorded will be

(Step 8)

erased instead of being saved to the album.

rDelete without saving to

Select [OK] on the confirmation dialog.

album (Step 9)


If you want to shoot another video snapshot right after shooting one video snapshot, set

[Show confirm msg] to [Disable]. This

setting will allow you to immediately shoot the next video snapshot without the confirmation message appearing after you shoot each time.