The camera is equipped with an optical viewfinder for image composition.
Basic Functions
•The field of the viewfinder will change as the Zoom button is pressed.
•In Macro mode (subject 6.7 to 20in. (17 to 50cm) from the lens), the actual area shot by the lens is slightly lower than the area shown in the viewfinder. The closer the camera is to the subject, the larger the difference between these areas.
•When taking shots in Macro mode, be sure to confirm the image composition and focus in the LCD panel.
Viewfinder Frame Marks
The camera focuses on the area encompassed by the square brackets in the viewfinder’s center. When composing images, aim the camera so that the photographic subject is in the middle of the viewfinder.
•Pressing the shutter button halfway locks the focus until the button is released. This allows you to focus on a particular object while freely changing the image composition. A moment after depressing the shutter button halfway, two beeps will sound and a green or red indicator will light, indicating a focus lock. You are now free to reorient the camera knowing that your target subject is in focus.