CANON Digital Galvano Scanner System GM-1000 Series
Users Manual 1.20
Command ID 15 Command
Name Error Read
Data -
Error (16 bits)
Each status can be checked by each bit after conversion into 16-bit display.
For details about errors, see 9.2, “Errors.”
Bit Abbreviation Meaning Hex Format
0 STRK Stroke over 0x0001
1 CNT Counter over 0x0002
2 INP In-position overtime 0x0004
3 SRV No clock 0x0008
4 CUR Driver overheat 0x0010
5 HOT Motor overheat 0x0020
6 FOM Format error 0x0040
7 COM Command data error 0x0080
8 PAR Parameter error 0x0100
9 STA Status error 0x0200
10 TRN Communication error 0x0400
11 ORG Homing error 0x0800
12 ENC Encoder signal error 0x1000
13 OTP Out-position error 0x2000
14 CMPER Servo OFF by hardware 0x4000
15 ETC Current saturation 0x80 00
Note: Return value of the command is a decimal number.
Command ID 18 Command
Name Acceleration Control
Data 0: OFF
1: ON
0: Command execution successful
1: Command execution unsuccessful
Explanation (This command cannot be used now.)