CANON Digital Galvano Scanner System GM-1000 Series
Users Manual 1.20
Parameter ID 14 Parameter
Name Origin Clear Timing (Head 2)
Data Origin clear timing (0 or 1)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is related to origin detection.
The value checked by “Command ID = 101: Counter Clear Timing” is set.
Each motor has a unique value (0 or 1).
Note: An appropriate value is set at shipping. When only the motor is replaced, the
value should be checked and set by a command.
The Origin Clear Timing (Head 1) parameter should be set at the same time.
Counter Clear Timing (Command ID = 101)
A1C101/ 1 (Axis 1 Head 2)
Set the value checked above.
Parameter ID 15 Parameter
Name High Speed Serial Data Offset
Data High-speed Serial Communication Offset (Unit: pulse)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation Set this parameter, when the center position of the high-speed serial communications
data is offset.
This is effective, when operating by high-speed serial communications.
0 is set usually.
E.g. Data = 100
High-speed serial communication data (16 bit) 0x8000 = 100 encoder pulse position.
Parameter ID 16 Parameter
Name #1 Digital Notch Filter Frequency
Data Central frequency of the first digital notch filter (Unit: Hz)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is used to set the central frequency of the first digital notch filter.
#1 Notch Filter Q Value (Parameter ID = 17)
#1 Notch Filter Depth (Parameter ID = 18)