CANON Digital Galvano Scanner System GM-1000 Series
Users Manual 1.20
Parameter ID 31 Parameter
Name Start Position of Raster Scan
Data Raster scan start position (Unit: 0 or 1)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is used to set the start of raster scan (operation by command) from the
negative or positive side.
0: Scan start from the negative side
1: Scan start from the positive side
Cycle Time of Raster Scan (Parameter ID = 26)
Duty of Raster Scan (Parameter ID = 27)
Scan Angle of Raster Scan (Parameter ID = 28)
Interval Time of Raster Scan (Parameter ID = 30)
Parameter ID 32 Parameter
Name Torque Peak Offset
Data Torque central position (Unit: pulse)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is used to set the torque position.
Settings match the motor’s characteristics when shipped. There is usually no need for
changes. When changing the motor, setting again is necessary.
Note: An appropriate value is set at shipping.
Parameter ID 33 Parameter
Name Acceleration Time
Data Acceleration time (Unit: ms)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is valid when “Command ID = 18: Acceleration Control” is ON.
Set the time until the velocity reaches the value set by “Parameter ID = 2: Max Velocity”
in step movement (movement by command).
If 0 is set, the target command of the maximum velocity is followed from the start of
Acceleration control (Command ID = 18)
Max Velocity (Parameter ID = 2)
Movement start (Command ID = 8)