CANON Digital Galvano Scanner System GM-1000 Series
Users Manual 1.20
Parameter ID 3 Parameter
Name In-position Range
Data In-position range (Unit: pulse)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation The end of movement is judged when a difference from the target value (number of
pulses) enters this range.
Note: The relationship between the number of pulses and the angle depends on the motor.
Bit 2 “Settlement in In-position Range” becomes 1 in status read (Command ID = 14).
Parameter ID 4 Parameter
Name Settling Check Time
Data Settling check time (Unit: 10 μs)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation The completion of movement is judged if the position remains within the In-position
Range (Parameter ID = 3) for the set time after movement.
Note: The unit is 10 us. For 1 ms, set 100.
Bit 8 “Moving” becomes 0 in status read (Command ID = 14).
Parameter ID 6 Parameter
Name LQ Control Gain
Data LQ control gain (Unit: none)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is used to set the LQ control gain.
LQ control related parameters:
Total Inertia (Parameter ID = 8)
Torque Constant (Parameter ID = 7)
Parameter ID 7 Parameter
Name Torque Constant
Data Torque constant (Unit: gf・cm / A)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is used to set the torque constant of the motor.
Note: Do not change this parameter. A unique value is available depending on the
motor model. This is set at shipping.
LQ control related parameters
LQ Control Gain (Parameter ID = 6)
Total Inertia (Parameter ID = 8)