CANON Digital Galvano Scanner System GM-1000 Series
Users Manual 1.20
Command ID 161 Command
Name Counter Clear Timing
Data 0: Head 1
1: Head 2
Timing 0 or 1
Explanation It is necessary to set the return value as follows.
Head 1 Parameter ID = 11
Head 2 Parameter ID = 14
These values have the standalone motor unique values, and the controller motor set
with servo tuning at Canon has been explained.
When changing the motor or controller, after checking this command Head 1 and Head
2, it is necessary to make settings.
E.g.: A1C101/0 with a return value of 0, set with parameter A1P011/0.
A1C101/1 with a return value of 1, set with parameter A1P014/1.
A2C101/0 with a return value of 1, set with parameter A2P011/1.
A2C101/1 with a return value of 0, set with parameter A2P014/0.