CANON Digital Galvano Scanner System GM-1000 Series
Users Manual 1.20
8. Commands
The controller has a monitor output (analog output) terminal for monitoring the RS-232C command
operation status and an external signal input terminal for controller operation.
8.1. List of Commands
ID Command Name Data Data Return Value
0 Soft Reset Yes 0: Auto homing
1: Reset only
1 Error Clear
2 Homing Start
4 Servo ON Yes 0: OFF
1: ON
7 Control Mode Specification Yes 0: PI
1: LQ
8 Movement Start Yes 0: Step movement start
6: Initial position of raster scan
9 Forced Stop
10 Target Position Setting Yes 0: Absolute
1: Relative
Thermistor Temperature Read Yes 0: Controller temperature
1: Motor temperature
A/D converted
value of thermistor
Current Position Read Yes 0: Current position
1: Current target value
(Program origin)
2: Current target value
(Absolute position)
Position (Pulse)
13 Version Read Yes 0: Main DSP Ver
1: Sub DSP Ver
Ver. No
14 Status Read Status(16bit)
15 Error Read Error (16bit)
18 Acceleration Control Yes 0: OFF
1: ON
20 Target Position Setting Yes Target position (pulse)
22 Target Velocity Setting Yes Target velocity (pulse/second)
23 Operation Mode Selection Yes See “Command Details.”
26 Parameter Value Check Yes Parameter ID Parameter value
30 Program Coordinate System Yes 0: Z phase
1: Program origin