CANON Digital Galvano Scanner System GM-1000 Series
Users Manual 1.20
Parameter ID 64 Parameter
Name DSP Operation Setting
Data DSP operation setting (Unit: none)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation This parameter is used to set the start up mode. Each bit has a meaning.
Bit 0 0: No automatic encoder correction at homing to the origin
1: Automatic encoder correction at homing to the origin
Bit 1 0: Start up in internal clock mode
1: Start up in high-speed serial communication (external clock) mode
Bit 2 0: High-speed serial communication specification (XY2-100) (Usually 0)
Note: The setting is decimal.
Parameter ID 66 Parameter
Name High Speed Serial Status Format
Data High Speed Serial Status Format (Unit: none)
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation The content of status output to the status line of high-speed serial communications can
be selected.
0: Controller Condition 1
1: Controller Condition 2
2: Current position (Axis 1)
3: Current position (Axis 2)
4: Current position (Axis 1 , Axis 2)
(For details, see 2.8.4. , “Status (High-speed Serial Communication STS)”)
Parameter ID 67 Parameter
Name High Speed Serial Data Length
Data High Speed Serial Data Length (Unit: bit) Range = 16 ~ 20
Return Value 0: Parameter setting successful
1: Parameter setting unsuccessful
Explanation Position Data length of High-speed serial communication can be specified.
Range = 16 bit ~ 20 bit
(For details, see 2.8.3. , “High-speed serial communication”)