PremierLink™ Configuration Screen — The PremierLink Configuration screen allows the user to configure all functions. See Table 15.
OPERATING MODE — The Operating Mode function determines the operating mode of the PremierLink controller. There are two operating modes from which to choose: TSTAT and CCN Sensor.
The TSTAT mode allows PremierLink controller to operate as a
The CCN mode allows the controller to integrate into a Carrier Comfort Network.
Operating Mode: Range: | 0 for TSTAT |
| 1 for CCN |
Default Value: | 1 (CCN Sensor*) |
*Default value for Version 1.1 and 1.2 is 0 (TSTAT).
HEAT TYPE — The Heat Type mode determines the type of heat equipment the controller uses. There are two choices: gas or electric.
Heat Type: | Range: | 0 for Gas (not used) |
| 1 for Electric Heat |
| Default Value: | 0 (Gas) |
IMPORTANT: When used with split system units, Heat Type must be set to 1 (electric heat).
UNIT TYPE — The Unit Type mode determines the type of heating/cooling equipment the controller is attached to. There are two choices: AC or Heat Pump.
The AC mode is primarily used for units using the compres- sors for cooling only.
The Heat Pump mode is primarily used for units using a heat pump (for example, compressors for heating and cooling).
Unit Type: | Range: | 0 for AC |
| 1 for Heat Pump |
| Default Value: | 0 (AC) |
AUXILIARY OUTPUT — The Auxiliary Output function is used to define the specific use of the Auxiliary Output on the controller board.
The output will be energized or deenergized by the appro- priate algorithm that uses that specific output.
Auxiliary Output is displayed as one of the following:
0 | = None | 2 | = Heat Stage | |
1 | = Exhaust Fan | 3 | = Reversing Valve | |
Auxiliary Output: | Range: | 0 to 3 | ||
| Default Value: | 0 |
UNOCCUPIED FREE COOL — The Unoccupied Free Cool function is used during unoccupied periods to
Free Cool: Range: Disable/Enable Default Value: Disable
DEMAND LIMITING — The Demand Limiting function is used to limit operating capacity of the unit to prevent system overloads. Both Heating and Cooling capacity is limited.
When Demand Limit option is enabled, the control will re- spond to the Loadshed Controller commands, such as Redline Alert, Shed, Unshed, and Redline Cancel.
Limiting: Range: Disable/Enable Default Value: Disable
Table 15 — PremierLink Control Configuration
| Operating Mode: 0=TSTAT, | 1 |
| 1=CCN Sensor |
| Heat Type: 0=Gas, | 0 |
| 1=Electric Heat |
| Unit Type: 0=AC Unit, | 0 |
| AC |
| 1=Heat Pump |
| Auxiliary Output | 0 |
| 0=None |
| 1=Exhaust Fan |
| 2=Heat Stage |
| 3=Reversing Valve |
| Unoccupied Free Cool | Disable |
| NTEN |
| Demand Limiting | Disable |
| DLEN |
| Loadshed Group Number | 1 |
| LSGP |
| CCN Broadcast OAT, ENTH,OAQ | 0 |
| Global Schedule Broadcast | No |
| GSBC |
| Broadcast Acknowledge | No |
| Schedule Number | 64 |
| Timed Override Hours | 0 | hours | TIMOVRID |
| Linkage Thermostat |
| Cool Strt Bias(min/deg) | 10 | min | KCOOL |
| Heat Strt Bias(min/deg) | 10 | min | KHEAT |
| Filter Timer hrs* 100 | 15 |
| IAQ Priority Level | Low |
| IAQP |
| IAQ | Disable |
| IAQ Purge Duration | 5 | min | IQPD |
| IAQ Delta Setpoint | 650 |
| IAQD |
| IAQ Maximum Damper Pos. | 50 | % | IAQMAXP |
| Indoor AQ Low Ref. | 0.0 |
| Indoor AQ High Ref. | 2000.0 |
| Outdoor AQ Low Ref. | 0.0 |
| Outdoor AQ High Ref. | 2000.0 |
| Outdoor AQ Lockout Point | 0 |
| Service Password | 1111 |
| Password Enable | Disable |
| Metric Display | Off |
LOADSHED GROUP NUMBER — The Loadshed Group Number function defines the Loadshed table number (LDSH- DxxS, where xx is the configured loadshed group number) that the controller will respond to when a broadcast for Redline/ Loadshed has been detected on the CCN bus.
Unoccupied |
Free Cool: | Range: | 1 to 16 |
| Default Value: | 1 |
CCN, BROADCAST OAT, ENTHALPY, OAQ — Config- ures the controller to CCN broadcast any or all of the point values for Outside Air Temperature (OAT), Enthalpy (ENTH), and Outdoor Air Quality (OAQ).
Example: To broadcast OAQ and ENTH but not OAT, the cor- responding bitmap is 110; the binary equivalent of the decimal number 6. The configuration decision would then be set to a 6.
CCN Broadcast, OAT, Enthalpy, OAQ Allowable Entries:
0 | — None | 5 | — OAT and OAQ |
1 | — OAT Only | 6 | — ENTH and OAQ |
2 | — ENTH Only | 7 | — OAT, ENTH and OAQ |
3 | — OAT and ENTH |
4 | — OAQ Only |
Default Value: | 0 (disabled, no broadcasts performed) |