GLOBAL SCHEDULE BROADCAST — The Global Sched- ule Broadcast setting configures the controller to broadcast or receive a global schedule. If set to Yes, the controller will act as a global schedule master and its schedule will be broadcast to the CCN. If set to No, the controller will not broadcast a global schedule and it will receive the configured schedule number.

Global Schedule

Master: Range: No/Yes Default Value: No

BROADCAST ACKNOWLEDGER — The Broadcast Ac- knowledger setting configures the controller to recognize broadcast messages that appear on its CCN bus.

NOTE: For proper CCN bus operation, there should be only one device per CCN bus that is configured as the Broadcast Acknowledger.

Acknowledger: Range:


Default Value:


SCHEDULE NUMBER — The Schedule Number deter- mines which Global Occupancy Schedule that the controller will follow. A value of 64 disables global occupancy from CCN and will decide Occupancy from its local schedule. A value between 65 and 99 will allow the controller to follow the global occupancy schedule of the number broadcast over CCN.

Occupancy Schedule

Number Range: 64 to 99 Default Value: 64

TIMED OVERRIDE HOURS — The Timed Override Hours function is used to configure a timed override duration by entering the number of hours the override will be in effect. Pressing the override button on a space temperature sensor will cause an override.

Timed Override





0 to 4


Default Value:


LINKAGE THERMOSTAT — The Linkage Thermostat start time biases allow the installer to configure the time per degree the space should take to recover in the Heat and Cool modes for optimum start with a Linkage Thermostat. These numbers will be used to calculate the Start Bias time.

Cool Start Bias:





0 to 60


Default Value:


Heat Start Bias





0 to 60


Default Value:


FILTER TIMER HOURS — The Filter Timer Hours config- uration determines when the filter status will display a “Dirty” alarm. When the Filter Timer Hours is configured to a value other than zero and fan run time exceeds the value configured, the filter status will display “Dirty” and a CCN alarm will be generated. Setting the configured Filter Timer Hours value to zero will disable the alarm condition. The value of the timer is stored in EEPROM to protect it in the event of a power failure. The value is stored every 24 hours.

Filter Timer





0 to 99

Default Value: 15 (where 15*100=1500)

INDOOR AIR QUALITY PRIORITY LEVEL — The Indoor Air Quality Priority Level, when set to Low, ensures that com- fort is not being compromised by bringing in too much outdoor air to maintain IAQ set point. When an override condition takes place, IAQ control is disabled, and Economizer Mini- mum Position is set to the user configured value MDP. When set to High, IAQ control is always active regardless of indoor

comfort conditions. The controller will temper cold air OAT <55 F to prevent cold blow.

Indoor Air Quality

Priority Level: Range: High/Low Default Value: Low

INDOOR AIR QUALITY PREOCCUPANCY PURGE — The Indoor Air Quality Preoccupancy Purge brings in fresh outdoor air before the Occupied mode begins. The IAQ Pre- Occupancy Purge is used to lower carbon dioxide levels below the IAQ set point before Occupied mode starts.

The Purge is started two hours before the occupied time and lasts for the specified duration.

Indoor Air Quality Preoccupancy

Purge:Range: Disable/Enable Default Value: Disable

INDOOR AIR QUALITY PURGE DURATION — The Indoor Air Quality Purge Duration specifies the duration of IAQ Pre-Occupancy purge. The Purge is started two hours before the occupied time and lasts for the specified duration.

Indoor Air Quality

Purge Duration: Display Units: Minutes Display Range: 0 to 60 Default Value: 5

INDOOR AIR QUALITY DELTA SET POINT — The Indoor Air Quality Delta Set Point specifies the highest Indoor Air Quality level (measured in ppm) allowed within the space whenever unit is in Occupied mode (or Supply Fan On for units with Thermostat control) and Indoor Air Quality sensor is installed.

Indoor Air Quality

Delta Set Point: Display Units: PPM (parts per million) Display Range: 1 to 5000

Default Value: 650

INDOOR AIR QUALITY MAXIMUM DAMPER POSI- TION — This point displays upper limit of the Indoor Air Quality minimum damper position calculated by the IAQ control.

For example, IAQ is calculating 100% Minimum Damper Position, but this decision is set to 50%, IAQ Minimum Damp- er Position will be clamped to 50%.

NOTE: When IAQ priority is set to HIGH, this value must reflect the maximum outdoor air percent that the equipment can heat or cool at worst conditions.

Indoor Air Quality

Maximum Damper

Position: Display Units: % Open Display Range: 0 to 100 Default Value: 50

INDOOR AIR QUALITY SENSOR — The Indoor Air Qual- ity sensor defines the value in parts per million (ppm) which correlate to the low and high voltage readings from the sensor.

Low Reference specifies Low Point of the Indoor IAQ Sensor Range in ppm.

Low Reference: Units:

PPM (parts per million)


0 to 5000

Default Value:


High Reference specifies High Point of the Indoor IAQ Sensor Range in ppm.

High Reference: Units:

PPM (parts per million)


0 to 5000

Default Value:


OUTDOOR AIR QUALITY SENSOR — The Outdoor Air Quality sensor defines the value in parts per million (ppm) which correlate to the low and high voltage readings from the sensor.


Page 38
Image 38
Carrier 33CSPREMLK specifications Range Default Value Heat Start Bias Units