HEAT STAGE 2 — The Heat Stage 2 point provides the state of the Heating 2 output.

Heating Stage 2: Display Units:

Discrete ASCII

Default Value:


Display Range:


Network Access:

Read Only

HEAT STAGE 3, EXHAUST FAN, OR REVERSING VALVE — This point displays the commanded state of auxil- iary output. This output can be configured to control a third stage of heat, an exhaust fan or a reversing valve on some heat pump units.

In the exhaust fan mode with continuous exhaust con- figured, this point may control a bank of lights or another indicator that should remain ON whenever the controller is in the occupied mode.

Heat 3, Exhaust,



Rev Valve:

Display Units:

Discrete ASCII


Default Value:



Display Range:



Network Access:

Read Only

ENTHALPY — This point displays the current status of an outdoor air or differential enthalpy input. This point may be broadcast to other controllers or received from a controller which supports global broadcast of the ENTH variable.


Display Units:

Discrete ASCII


Default Value:



Display Range:



Network Access:


INDOOR AIR QUALITY (IAQ) — The Air Quality point displays the indoor air quality reading from a CO2 sensor installed in the space. The CO2 sensor maintains differential indoor air quality for demand control ventilation per ASHRAE Standard 62-1999. The controller can be configured to generate an alarm when the control is in occupied mode and the CO2 level exceeds the high or low limit set.

Indoor Air



Quality (ppm):

Display Units:

None shown (parts per



million implied)


Default Value:



Display Range:

0 to 5000


Network Access:


INDOOR AIR QUALITY SET POINT — This point dis- plays the current Indoor Air Quality set point. The set point is determined by the configured Indoor Air Quality differential and the current outdoor air quality value. If an outdoor air quality value is not received, the controller will assume a default outdoor level of 400 ppm and calculate the set point using that value.

Indoor Air Quality



Set Point:

Display Units:

None shown (parts per



million implied)


Default Value:



Display Range:

0 to 5000


Network Access:

Read Only

OUTDOOR AIR QUALITY — This point displays the read- ing from an outdoor air quality sensor. This point supports global broadcast of outdoor air quality on a network.

Outdoor Air Quality


Set Point:

Display Units:

None shown (parts per



million implied)


Default Value:



Display Range:

0 to 5000


Network Access:


FIRE SHUTDOWN — While in sensor control mode, this point can be used to receive a signal from a smoke detector or fire panel to shut down the Supply Fan, all heating and cooling stages, and to close the economizer.

Fire Shutdown: Display Units:

Discrete ASCII

Default Value:


Display Range:


Network Access:


SPT OFFSET — This point displays the value of the Space Temperature offset calculated from the input of a T56 sensor slide bar.

SPT Offset:

Display Units:

Delta Degrees F



(Delta Degrees C)


Default Value:



Display Range:

–15 to 15


Network Access:


COMPRESSOR 1 — This point displays the commanded state of the compressor 1 output.

Compressor 1: Display Units: Discrete ASCII Default Value: Off

Display Range: Off/On

Network Access: Read Only

COMPRESSOR 2 — This point displays the commanded state of the compressor 2 output.

Compressor 2: Display Units: Discrete ASCII

Range: Off/On

Default Value: Off

Network Access: Read Only

COMPRESSOR SAFETY — When the controller is in sensor mode, this point can be used to monitor the status of the compressor trouble output supplied with some equipment. When the input is detected, the controller will energize all available stages to satisfy the demand and issue a compressor trouble alert on the communications network.


Safety: Display Units: Discrete ASCII Display Range: Off/On Default Value: Off Network Access: Read Only

Thermostat Control Input Screen — The Thermo- stat Control Input Display is used to display the input status of equipment requests from the thermostat (TSTAT). See Table 8.

Alarm Service Configuration Screen — The Alarm Service Configuration is used to configure the alarms used on the PremierLink™ controller. See Table 9.

ALARM ROUTING CONTROL — The Alarm Routing Control indicates which CCN system software or devices will receive and process alarms sent by the PremierLink controller. This decision consists of eight digits which can be set to zero or one. A setting of one indicates alarms should be sent to this device. A setting of zero disables alarm processing for that device. Currently the corresponding digits are configured for the following devices: first digit is for user interface software (ComfortWORKS®, ComfortVIEW™, etc.); second digit is for Autodial Gateway or Telink; fourth digit is for Alarm Print- er Interface Module, DataLINK™ module; digits 3 and 5 through 8 are unused.

Alarm Routing

Control: Range: 00000000 to 1111111 Default Value: 00000000


Page 30
Image 30
Carrier 33CSPREMLK specifications Indoor Air Quality ppm Display Units, Million implied, Set Point Display Units