Accessing the Help System
The 3C900B NIC Help system is a Windows Help application that includes 3C900B release notes, frequently asked questions, and a KnowledgeBase of known compatibility issues. You must install the 3C900B NIC and the network driver before you can access the Help system.
Follow these steps to access the 3C900B NIC Help system:
1Click Start in the Windows taskbar, select Programs, and select 3Com NIC Utilities.
2Click 3nichelp.
The 3Com NIC Diagnostics General tab appears.
3Click the links and tabs to display information about each of the four 3Com NIC Diagnostics program tabs.
Release Notes, Frequently Asked Questions, and KnowledgeBase Topics
The Help application within the 3Com NIC Diagnostics program contains a substantial database of
Follow these steps to access the support database:
1Click the Support tab.
The Support screen is displayed.
2Click Release Notes.
The Release Notes Help screen appears.
■Click the Release Notes link to display tips about installing and using the 3C900B NIC.
■Click the Frequently Asked Questions link to display common questions asked by customers and answered by 3Com support experts.
■Click the KnowledgeBase link to display 3C900B NIC compatibility topics.