Using the Mixer

Mixer Parameter Settings

The tables below show the parameters that can be configured on the mixer screen.

The settings marked with an asterisk (*) in the “Setting Range” column are initial defaults.

MASTER Parameters

MASTER parameters include items for adjusting the volume level, pan position, and other settings that are applied globally to all parts.

Parameter Name


Setting Range


Specifies the maximum volume level of Digital Keyboard output.

0 to 127*

(Master Volume)

The level set here is the maximum level that can be set with the L-2 (MAIN



VOLUME) knob.






Specifies the stereo pan position of all sound output by the Digital Keyboard.

–64 to 0* to +63

(Master Pan)

0 indicates the center, while a smaller values shifts to the left and a larger value



shifts to the right.





DSP Parameters

DSP parameters include DSP-related settings that are applied globally to all parts.

DSP parameter setting cannot be changed while “on” is selected for the “DSP Disable” effect setting. See “To add the chorus effect to sounds” (page E-35) for information about “DSP Disable”. If you want to change DSP parameter settings, change the “DSP Disable” setting to “oFF”.

Parameter Name


Setting Range


Specifies whether the Digital Keyboard’s sound source should go through

Chorus*, DSP


the chorus or DSP.*1 This setting item is linked to the “Chorus/DSP”*2 item



on the effect setting screen. The settings below cannot be configured



whenever this parameter is “Chorus”.






Specifies if a note should be output (on) or not output (oFF) after it passes

oFF, on*

(DSP Output Enable)

through the DSP.






Specifies the post-DSP volume level.*1

0 to 127*

(DSP Output Volume)







Specifies the post-DSP send stereo pan position. 0 indicates the center,

–64 to 0* to +63

(DSP Output Pan)

while a smaller values shifts to the left and a larger value shifts to the right.






Specifies how much reverb is applied to the post-DSP send note.

0 to 40* to 127

(DSP Output Reverb Send)






*1 See the block diagram under “Configuration of Effects” (page E-32).

*2 See “To add the chorus effect to sounds” (page E-35) and “To use a DSP” (page E-36).
