Confirming Common Parameter Settings

4-A Assignable Button 1 Type (Asgn1)

Specifies the function assigned to the (ASSIGNABLE 1) button.

The following describes the functions that can be assigned by each setting.


Assigned Functions

Modulation (Mod)

This setting assigns modulation to the button.*1 The depth of the modulation is specified using the 


(B) and  (C) buttons.



Portamento (Por)

This setting assigns portamento the button. When this function is assigned, portamento is applied


while the (ASSIGNABLE 1) button is depressed and not applied while the button is released.*2

Control Change

This setting assigns a control change number to the button. The MIDI channel for sending a control

Number 0 to 127

change or the value sent when the (ASSIGNABLE 1) button is pressed or released is specified

(CC# 000 to 127)

using the  (B),  (C), and  (D) buttons.

*1 To apply modulation only to a particular zone, select “001” (CC#1 = Modulation) as the Asgn1 instead of “Mod”. Also, specify a control change send MIDI channel that matches the MIDI channel of the zone where you want to apply modulation. For more information, see “Settings when Asgn1/Asgn2 = Control Change Number 0 to 127” (page E-23).

*2 Portamento can be turned on or off for each zone. For details, see “Editing Tones” (page E-31).

5-A Assignable Button 2 Type (Asgn2)

Specifies the function assigned to the (ASSIGNABLE 2) button.

The following describes the functions that can be assigned by each setting.


Assigned Functions

Rotary (Rot)

This function, which switches rotation speed, can be assigned for the rotary effect used by the DSP


(see “DSP Type” on page E-30). The speed is “Fast” when the (ASSIGNABLE 2) button is on


(lamp lit) and “Slow” when it is off (lamp unlit).



Portamento (Por)

This setting assigns portamento to the button. Portamento is applied when the (ASSIGNABLE 2)


button is on, and not applied when it is off.*1

DSP Bypass (Dbp)

This setting assigns a function that turns off the DSP of a particular zone. The zone whose DSP is


being turned off is specified with the  (B) button.



Control Change

This setting assigns a control change number to the button. The MIDI channel for sending a control

Number 0 to 127

change or the value sent when the (ASSIGNABLE 2) button is on or off is specified using the 

(CC# 000 to 127)

(B),  (C), and  (D) buttons.

*1 Portamento can be turned on or off for each zone. For details, see “Editing Tones” (page E-31).

4-B, 4-C Settings when Asgn1 = Modulation (Mod)

Parameter Name



Settings (* indicates default)

Depth (Button OFF)


Specifies the modulation depth while the

0* to 127



button is not pressed.






Depth (Button ON)


Specifies the modulation depth while the

0 to 127*



button is pressed.





